The National Telecommunications Commission is an attached agency of the Department of Information and Communications Technology that is responsible for the supervision, adjudication and control over all telecommunications services.


  • Regulates the installation, operation and maintenance of radio stations both for private and public use (Act No. 3846, as amended).

  • Regulates and supervises the provision of public telecommunications services (RA 7925, CA146, as amended).

  • Manages the radio spectrum (Act No. 3846, as amended and RA7925).

  • Regulates and supervises radio and television broadcast stations, cable television (CATV) and pay television (EO546 and EO205).


  • By CY 2016, the NTC-NCR shall be a leading and innovative Regional Office of the NTC in the effective and efficient processing of administrative permits, licenses and certificates through the application of paperless technology and environment, as proactive response to the needs of the transacting public.

  • It shall also be a leading regulatory agency of government able to steer the industries it regulates to be service oriented to target beneficiaries, stakeholders and the subscribing public.

The National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) - National Capital Region (NCR) shall continuously improve its administrative and regulatory processes and procedures to obtain an effective and efficient service environment conductive to the attainment of total service satisfaction from the transacting public and the holistic development of the industries it regulates.

BIR Road, East Triangle, Diliman, Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines

(02)924-4010, (02)924-4072, (02)924-4075, (02)929-5108

Email: [email protected]

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