Roxas Boulevard corner San Luis Street, Pasay City, Philippines
Tel. No.: (632) 551-3454 or 551-3455; Fax No.: (632) 891-6380; Email: [email protected]
2. Anti-Graft Certificate Anti-Graft Certificate (notarized)
3. Proof of Payment of Application Fee
4. Business Registration (e.g. SEC Registration, DTI Registration)
5. Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws (if applicable)
6. Audited Financial Statements for the last three (3) years (if applicable)
7. Board Resolution / Special Power of Attorney authorizing the filing and designation of a representative to PEZA
8. Proof of land ownership or any perfected contract / document confirming the applicant's authority / clearance to use the land subject of this application
9. Favorable endorsement from the Zone Administrator / Manager of the ecozone
10. Favorable endorsement from the registered developer / operator of the ecozone
11. Vicinity map of proposed site of operation
12. Project desription which includes technical aspect, financial aspect, market aspect and environmental aspect
13. National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) License/s or Clearance/s (for Telecommunication