SSS Flexi-Fund for overseas Filipino workers

What this is For:

Membership in the SSS Flexi-Fund Program is open to all overseas Filipino workers

Where to File:

1. OW-1 must be submitted to the nearest SSS foreign representative office or to the International Affairs and Branch Expansion Office through the mail, e-mail or fax for OFWs based in countries without existing SSS offices.

2. DDR-2 for death, disability, retirement and early withdrawal claims must be submitted to the nearest SSS branch.

How to File:

Membership in the SSS Flexi-Fund Program is open to all overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) who are either:

The Overseas Workers Record Form (OW-1) can be used by any OFW either to change his/her previous SSS membership status (e.g. from covered employee, self-employed, or voluntary member) or, if not over 60 years old, to apply as a new OFW member.

You must fill up the first page of Form OW-1 using black ink and submit it in two copies to the nearest SSS foreign representative office or to the International Affairs and Branch Expansion Office through the mail, e-mail or fax for OFWs based in countries without existing SSS offices. See page 2 of the form for the supporting documents you will need to submit with your application. If you are sending the application by mail, please be sure to mail the originals or certified copies of your supporting documents along with the form.

OFW-members may apply for death, disability, retirement and early withdrawal claims by filling up the first page of Form DDR-2 using black ink and submitting one copy to the nearest SSS branch. See page 2 of the form for the supporting documents you will need to submit with your application.

For inquiries, please contact:

International Affairs and Branch
Expansion Office (IABE)
3rd floor, SSS Bldg., East Avenue,
Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines
Fax No. (632) 435-9814
Email address: [email protected]