Roxas Boulevard corner San Luis Street, Pasay City, Philippines
Tel. No.: (632) 551-3454 or 551-3455; Fax No.: (632) 891-6380; Email: [email protected]
Ecozone Development Department
2/F Almeda Building, San Luis
Corner Roxas Boulevard, Pasay City
Tel. No.: (632) 551-3440
Fax No.: (632) 551-9518
Email: [email protected]
Stage 1. Pre-qualification Clearance
Filing of Application
1. Owner/s of private lands or other person/s or entity/ies duly authorized by the landowner/s intending to develop the area as ecozone shall file the application to PEZA / EDD by submitting the following:
a. Application Form For registration as a Special Economic Zone(notarized)
b. Anti-Graft Certificate Anti-Graft Certificate(notarized)
c. SEC Registration and Articles of Incorporation
d. Audited Financial Statements (for the last three years of operation, where applicable)
e. Board Resolution / Special Power of Attorney designating the company's authorized representative to PEZA
f. Project Description (Development Plan and Timetable)
g. Vicinity map reflecting the various land uses and important verifiable landmarks within one (1) kilometer radius of the project site
h. Proof of land ownership or any perfected contract / document confirming the applicant's authority / clearance to use the land for economic zone development and related purposes
If the applicant is not the registered owner, a perfected contract / document confirming the applicant's authority / clearance to apply for and use the land for ecozone and related purposes is required.
i. Endorsement from the Sangguniang Bayan / Panlungsod for the development of the proposed economic zone (i.e. all local government units of all municipalities and cities with areas included in the proposed economic zone)
j. Certification from the Department of Agriculture that the area for the proposed economic zone is not or has ceased to be economically feasible and sound for agricultural purposes (i.e. the area is marginal for agricultural use)
k. DAR Conversion Clearance or Exemption Certificate (or HLURB Zoning Certification, whichever is applicable) and if the proposed area is zoned as agricultural on or before 15 June 1988, a DAR Conversion Clearance / Order is required. However, if the zoning of the area is non-agricultural on or before said date, a DAR Exemption Certificate or HLURB Zoning Certification shall be required
l. Other documents as may be required by PEZA.
2. EDD checks completeness of documents.
a. If document is complete, EDD receives the application and issues the corresponding Order of Payment.
b. If document is not complete, application shall not be received.
3. The proponent brings the Order of Payment to the PEZA Cashier and pays the application / processing fee.
4. The proponent informs EDD of the payment and EDD takes note of the Official Receipt No., date and amount paid.
Processing and Evaluation
5. The EDD Manager assigns the application to the Evaluator.
6. The Evaluator inspects the proposed area, if necessary, and prepares the evaluation report.
7. The EDD Division Head reviews evaluation report and submits to EDD Manager for final review.
8. Manager reviews the evaluation report and endorses the same to the Group Manager / Deputy Director General for final comments.
Approval Process
9. MISCPED Group Manager / DDG endorses the recommendation to the Director General.
10. The final evaluation report, together with the recommendation, is endorsed by the Director General to the PEZA Board of Directors.
11. The Deputy Director General presents the recommendation to the Board for approval.
12. If the recommendation is approved, the PEZA Corporate Secretary issues the corresponding Board Resolution within a reasonable period of time.
13. EDD informs the proponent of the Board decision and correspondingly advises the applicant to take the appropriate course of action:
a. If action on the application is deferred, the applicant is advised of the reason/s for deferment;
b. If the application is approved, the applicant is advised to submit the documentary requirements for Presidential Proclamation
Stage 2. Presidential Proclamation
Submission of documents
14. Proponent submits the following documentary requirements for Presidential Proclamation:
a. Proof of land ownership or long-term lease agreement on the whole area of the proposed economic zone
b. Verified Survey Returns and technical description of the area for the proposed economic zone
c. Certification from the National Water Resources Board that the identified source(s) of water for the economic zone shall not cause water supply and related problems in adjacent communities
d. Environmental Compliance Certificate issued by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources
e. Other documents as may be required by PEZA
15. EDD checks completeness of documents.
a. If documents are not complete, EDD notifies proponent using PEZA EDD Form No. 004
b. If documents are complete, EDD evaluates and prepares the draft Presidential Proclamation and the corresponding requests for Certifications of Concurrence from concerned government agencies, as follows:
i. Local Government Unit/s where the ecozone is located;
ii. Department of Agrarian Reform;
iii. Department of Environment and Natural Resources;
iv. Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board; and
v. Land Registration Authority
16. The Certifications of Concurrence from concerned agencies are obtained pursuant to the requirement of Completed Staff Work mandated under a Presidential Memorandum dated 10 June 1999 Manager for final review.
17. EDD Manager, upon final review, endorses all documents to DDG for endorsement to the Director General for signing.
18. Director General signs endorsement letter and forward it to the DTI Secretary for endorsement to the President.
19. President signs proclamation.
20. Office of the President transmits a copy of the Presidential Proclamation to the Office of the Director General.
Office of the Director General furnishes the proponent a copy of the Presidential (Annex D).
21. EDD Division Head reviews draft proclamation and submits to EDD Proclamation.
Stage 3. Registration
22. Proponent submits the following documentary requirements for the signing of the Registration Agreement:
a. Development plans of the economic zone; and
b. Other documents as may be required by PEZA.
23. EDD checks completeness of documents
a. If documents are not complete, EDD notify proponent using PEZA EDD Form No. 004 (Annex B-6).
b. If documents are complete, EDD issues the Order of Payment (PEZA-EDD Form No. 002, Annex B-4) for the registration fee and the proponent shall pay the fee prior to the actual signing.
24. EDD requests the Legal Services Group (LSG) for the preparation of the Registration Agreement.
25. LSG prepares the draft Registration Agreement and provides EDD with a draft to be forwarded to the developer / operator for comments.
26. EDD arranges the date of signing of the Registration Agreement with the Office of the Director General and the proponent.