Registration of Books & Accounts INDIVIDUALS ENGAGED IN BUSINESS
Newly-Registered (In General)

All corporations, companies, partnerships or persons required by law to pay internal revenue taxes shall keep a journal and a ledger or their equivalents such as subsidiary ledgers, simplified books of accounts.

What this is For:

BIR Form 1901 BIR Form 1901 Application for Registration for Self-Employed and Mixed Income Individuals, Estates and Trusts

Where to File:

For Taxpayers Using Centralized Bookkeeping

BIR Form 1901 at the RDO where the head office is registered; and

Manual books of accounts at the RDO where the head office is registered for Stamping and registration purposes.

For Taxpayers Using Decentralized Bookkeeping

BIR Form 1901 at the RDO where the head office and its branches are registered; and

Manual books of accounts for stamping and registration purposes.

How to File:

For Taxpayers Using Centralized Bookkeeping

a) Submit duly accomplished BIR Form 1901 BIR Form 1901 at the RDO where the head office is registered; and

b) Present the manual books of accounts at the RDO where the head office is registered for Stamping and registration purposes.

For Taxpayers Using Decentralized Bookkeeping

a) Submit duly accomplished BIR Form 1901 BIR Form 1901 at the RDO where the head office and its branches are registered; and

b) Present the manual books of accounts for stamping and registration purposes.


The manual books of accounts shall be registered at the RDO of the Head Office or Branch before the beginning of their accounting period and before these books are used.

Other Documentary Requirements:

a) Permanently bound books of accounts for registration/stamping or the bound journals and/or ledgers; and

b) Proof of Payment of Annual Registration Fee (BIR Form 0605) BIR Form 0605 current year.