Roxas Boulevard corner San Luis Street, Pasay City, Philippines
Tel. No.: (632) 551-3454 or 551-3455; Fax No.: (632) 891-6380; Email: [email protected]
1. Letter Request addressed to the Director General Lilia B. de Lima
2. Endorsement Letters from prospective PEZA Clients (at least 1 company)
3. Application Form For registration accreditation as an Ecozone Service Enterprise (notarized)
4. Filing / Application Fee of Php 3,600 (attach copy of Official Receipt)
5. Anti-Graft Certificate Anti-Graft Certificate (notarized)
6. Board Resolution authorizing the filing of the application and the designation of representative (notarized)
7. List of Employees (include designation)
8. Personal History Statements of Principal Officers (Biodata)
9. Audited Financial Statements for the last three years (for new companies, which have started operating for only six months, an Audited Balance Sheet is enough)
10. Certificate of Registration from S.E.C. (for Corporations); Certificate of Registration from DTI (for Partnership and Single Proprietorship)
11. Articles of Incorporation (for Corporations)
12. PC/PNP Clearances:
- PNP-Regular Permit to Operate or Temporary License to Operate (renewal of expired)
- Updated Firearms Licenses
13. Latest Disposition Report validated by PNP-SOSIA
14. Clearance from:
- Department of Labor (renewal if expired)
- Social Security System (renewal if expired)
- Bureau of Internal Revenue (renewal if expired)
16. Mayor's Permit (for the current year)
19. List of Non-PEZA clients
20. List of Equipments (armored trucks, etc)
21. Bond with PNP (copy only)
* Upon Approval of the Director General of PEZA *
22. Franchise Fee (for six months) of PhP 3,000.00 (PhP 500.00/month)
23. Original Surety Bond worth PhP 100,000.00