What this is For:

Requirements for Companies Engaged ECOZONE FACILITIES ENTERPRISE

Where to File:


Roxas Boulevard corner San Luis Street, Pasay City, Philippines

Tel. No.: (632) 551-3454 or 551-3455; Fax No.: (632) 891-6380; Email: [email protected]

How to File:

An IT Park or Building in Metro Manila may be an existing, new or proposed complex or building with a minimum available business floor area of 5,000 square meters (including common areas such lobbies, elevator / stairways, corridors, wash rooms / rest rooms / toilets and utility areas, but excluding parking areas and roof gardens);

Other Documentary Requirements:

1. Application Form For registration as Ecozone Facility Enterprise (notarized)

2. Anti-Graft Certificate Anti-Graft Certificate (notarized)

3. Proof of Payment of Application Fee

4. Business Registration (e.g. SEC Registration, DTI Registration)

5. Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws (if applicable)

6. Audited Financial Statements for the last three (3) years (if applicable)

7. Board Resolution / Special Power of Attorney authorizing the filing and designation of a representative to PEZA

8. Proof of land ownership or any perfected contract / document confirming the applicant's authority / clearance to use the land subject of this application

9. Favorable endorsement from the Zone Administrator / Manager of the ecozone

10. Favorable endorsement from the registered developer / operator of the ecozone

11. Vicinity map of proposed site of operation

12. Project desription which includes technical aspect, financial aspect, market aspect and environmental aspect