Land Transportation Office
Land Transportation Office
Revenue District Office having jurisdiction over the Head Office or Branch.
For Taxpayers Using Centralized Bookkeeping BIR Form 1903 at the RDO/LTAD/LTDO where the head office is registered. The books of accounts shall be registered at the RDO/LTAD I OR II/LTDO of the head office For Taxpayers Using Decentralized Bookkeeping ...
For Taxpayers Using Centralized Bookkeeping BIR Form 1905 at the RDO/LTAD I or II/LTDO where the head office is registered. The books of accounts shall be registered at the RDO/LTAD I or II/LTDO of the head office For Taxpayers ...
For Taxpayers Using Centralized Bookkeeping BIR Form 1901 at the RDO where the head office is registered; and Manual books of accounts at the RDO where the head office is registered for Stamping and registration purposes. For Taxpayers Using Decentralized ...
HLURB certificate form of registration/license to sell