Any person, natural or juridical, including estates and trusts, with duly issued assessment notice, preliminary or final, disputed/protested administratively or judicially, as of November 29, 2007, covering the taxable year ending December 31, 2005 and prior years, availing the Abatement Program under Revenue Regulations No. 15-2007 shall use this form.
BFP form for regional/provincial individual performance commitment and review
SEC request form for broker dealer withdrawal under SRC Rule
CIAP PCAB checklist and application forms for regular contractor's license (updated as of 2017)
Pag - Ibig co - buyer's information sheet for purchase of an acquired asset
LWUA documentary requirements to be submitted by the water districts for approval of water rates increase, Financial Assistance, and debt relief include
Pag - Ibig buyer's information sheet for purchase of an acquired asset
SEC application form to do business under the act of Act of 1991 RA 7042 for foreign - owned corporation
DOH checklist for review of floor plans of non - residential drug abuse treatment and rehabilitation center for outpatients
DOH checklist for review of floor plans of residential drug abuse treatment and rehabilitation center for inpatients