Sales and Stock Report for WDN

NTC sales and stock report for indoor wireless data network dealer and/or manufacturer

SSR for Mobile Phone

NTC Sales and Stock Report for Mobile Phone Dealers

Attachment A List of Capital Equipment, Spare Parts, and/or Accessories Being Applied For

BOI list of capital equipment, spare parts, and/or accessories being applied for capital equipment incentives

Affidavit of Undertaking for Lending Cooperatives - Survivorship (if Terminal Leave is not sufficient to cover loans)

COA affidavit of undertaking for lending cooperatives survivorship if terminal leave is not sufficient to cover loans

5 Information for the Conduct of Investigation Pursuant to the Safeguard Measure Act

TC form for information for the conduct of investigation pursuant to the safeguard measure act RA 8800

Form Guide: Motor Vehicle VerificationHit and Run Case

Land Transportation Office

Financial Documents for Eligibility Check

DAR eligibility check form for financial documents

2113 Enhanced Voluntary Assessment Program - Application Form

Any person, natural or juridical, including estates and trusts, liable to pay any internal revenue tax covering taxable year ending December 31, 2004 and all prior years, who due to inadvertence or otherwise erroneously paid his/its internal revenue tax liabilities or failed to file tax returns/pay taxes, availing the EVAP pursuant to RR 18-2005, shall use this form.

Sworn Certification for Stock Corporation or Investee Firm

TIEZA sworn certification for stock corporation or investee firm

Annex C1 Proof of Inward Remittance

DTI foreign sole proprietor proof of inward remittance