Form Guide: Motor Vehicle Verification Robbery Case

Land Transportation Office

CMD-CapAlloc-02 Affidavit of Capacity and Energy Allocations by RES

ERC affidavit of capacity and energy allocations bt retail electricity suppliers

CMD-CapAlloc-01 Affidavit of Capacity and Energy Allocation by DU

ERC affidavit of capacity and energy allocation by Distribution Utility

Community Mortgage Program Fast Facts

SHFC facts for community mortgage program

SF-CONS-15B List of Ongoing Government and Private Contracts

NHA consulting services form for the list of ongoing government and private contracts including those awarded but not yet stated

SF-CONS-15B List of Ongoing Governemnt and Private Contracts

NHA durvey works form for the list of ongoing government and private contracts, including those awarded but not yet started

SF-GOOD-13a List of Ongoing Government and Private Contracts

NHA form for list of all ongoing government and private contracts including contracts awarded but not yet started

PMID - 03 Certified Pesticide Applicators

FPA pesticide application form for pesticide applicators

AHEAD Membership Form

HLURB membership application form for association of HLURB employees for advancement and development

12A Request for Personal Service of the NOC or VOS Acceptance Letter to the Landowner residing in Metro Manila

DAR request for personal service of the NOC/VOC acceptance letter to the landowner residing in Metro Manila