65 Transmittal Memorandum to LBP of Registered CLOA-Titles

DAR transmittal memorandum for registered CLOA-Titles

T6A Application to Construct Hoistway and Install Gates or Doors

BWC application form to construct hoistway and install gates or doors

617 Tax Amnesty Payment Form (Acceptance of Payment Form) For Taxable Year 2005 and Prior Years Pursuant to Republic Act No. 9480

This form shall be filed in quadruplicate by Individuals, whether resident or nonresident citizens, or resident or nonresident aliens, Estates, Trusts, Corporations, Cooperatives and tax exempt entities that have become taxable as of December 31, 2005 and other juridical entities including partnerships liable to pay any internal revenue taxes covering the taxable year ending December 31, 2005 and prior years, availing the Tax Amnesty under R.A. No. 9480.

29-14 Quarterly Report on Production, Sales, Inventory of Small Scale Metallic Mines (other than Gold) and Employment Data

MBG quarterly report form for small scale metallic mines

FN Sworn Statement

SEC statement of FN sworn

Certification on Diagnosis and Management of CKD Stage 5

PhilHealth Certification for diagnosis and management of chronic kidney disease

Organic Bio-Control Agent Producer Letter of Intent

BAFS letter of intent for organic bio-control agent producer

Form Guide: Minimum Paid-Up Capital Requirement

B-300 EC Claim For Temporary Total Disability or Sickness

SSS form used for employee sickness notification

Payment Assessment Slip CPR

FDA medical device registration slip form for payment assessment