2118 Results for "BIR Form 2306":

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BIR Form No. 2304 Certificate of Income Payment Not Subject to Withholding Tax (Excluding Compensation Income)

A BIR Certificate to be accomplished and issued by a Payor to recipients of income not subject to withholding tax. This Certificate should be attached to the Annual Income Tax Return - BIR Form 1701 for individuals, or BIR Form 1702 for non-individuals.

BIR Form No. 2305 Certificate of Update of Exemption and of Employer's and Employee's Information

A BIR Certificate to be accomplished and issued in case of increase or decreases in exemption, change of status, change in the person of employer, change in the type of employment, acquiring employment after having registered as engaged in business or exercise of profession, change in the working status of the spouse, execution of the "waiver to claim the Additional Exemption" by the husband, or revocation of the previously executed "waiver to claim the Additional Exemption" by the husband.

BIR Form No. 2307 Certificate of Creditable Tax Withheld at Source

A BIR Certificate to be accomplished and issued to recipients of income subject to expanded withholding tax paid by a Payor/Withholding Agent including government money payments made by a government office showing therein the monthly breakdown of the total income payments made and the total taxes withheld and remitted during the quarter/period. For EWT - This Certificate in turn should be attached to the Quarterly/Annual Income Tax Return - BIR Forms 1701Q / 1701 for individuals, or BIR Form 1702Q/ 1702 for non-individuals, in which case, the amount of withholding tax shall be allowed as a tax credit against the income tax liability of the income recipient in the taxable quarter or year in which the income was earned or received. For Percentage Taxes on Government Money Payments - This Certificate is to be attached to the Quarterly Percentage Tax return (BIR Form No. 2551M and 2551Q). For VAT Withholding - This Certificate is to be attached to the Monthly VAT Declaration (BIR Form No. 2550M) and Quarterly VAT Return (BIR Form No. 2550Q).

BIR Form No. 2316 Certificate of Compensation Payment / Tax Withheld For Compensation Payment With or Without TAx Withheld

A BIR Certificate to be accomplished and issued to each employee receiving salaries, wages and other forms or remuneration by each employer indicating therein the total amount paid and the taxes withheld therefrom during the calendar year.This Certificate in turn should be attached to the Annual Income Tax Return (BIR Form 1700 - for individuals receiving purely compensation income, or BIR Form 1701 for individuals with mixed income).

BIR Form No. 2322 Certificate of Donation

The first page shall be filled up by the Donee and the second page shall be filled up by the Donor. The Donee shall assume the responsibility for the consecutive numbering of each Certificate of Donation and the numbered Certificate of Donation should be distributed within thirty (30) days from receipt of donation.

BIR Form No. 2550M Monthly Value-Added Tax Declaration

This BIR return/declaration shall be filed in triplicate by the following taxpayers; A VAT-registered person; and A person required to register as a VAT taxpayer but failed to register. This return/declaration must be filed by the aforementioned taxpayers for as long as the VAT registration has not yet been cancelled, even if there is no taxable transaction during the month or the aggregate sales/receipts for any 12-month period did not exceed the P1,500,000.00 threshold.

0613 Payment Form - Under Tax Compliance Verification Drive/Tax Mapping

This BIR form shall be used in paying penalties assessed under the Tax Compliance Verification Drive/Tax Mapping.

1702-AIF Account Information Form (AIF) For Corporations and Partnerships in General

A revised BIR form designed in line with the BIR Integrated Tax System (ITS) to be used as attachment to BIR Form No. 1702 and to be accomplished by corporations and partnerships which contains the taxpayer's business profile information and other relevant data to be lifted from the Audited Financial Statements.

0616 Amnesty Tax Payment Form Pursuant to Republic Act No. 9399

This form is to be accomplished by taxpayer who availed of the One-Time Amnesty on certain tax and duty liabilities, inclusive of fees, fines, penalties, interests and other additions thereto, incurred by certain business enterprises operating within the Special Economic Zones and Freeports pursuant to Republic Act No. 9399.

618 Abatement Program Payment Form(Pursuant to RR No. 15-2007)

Any person, natural or juridical, including estates and trusts, with duly issued assessment notice, preliminary or final, disputed/protested administratively or judicially, as of November 29, 2007, covering the taxable year ending December 31, 2005 and prior years, availing the Abatement Program under Revenue Regulations No. 15-2007 shall use this form.

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