2118 Results for "BIR Form 2306":

Requirements for Release of Food Samples

FDA list of requirements for release of food samples

29-16 Integrated Annual Report of Metallic, Non-Metallic Minerals and Quarry Resources

MGB annual report for non- metalic minerals and quarry resources

06 SPA Complaint

HLURB special power of attorney complaint

38 Notice to ARBs Regarding Schedule of Oath Taking and APFU Signing

DAR notice to agrarian reform beneficiaries regarding the schedule of oath taking and signing

CMD-CapAlloc-01 Affidavit of Capacity and Energy Allocation by DU

ERC affidavit of capacity and energy allocation by Distribution Utility

CMD-CapAlloc-02 Affidavit of Capacity and Energy Allocations by RES

ERC affidavit of capacity and energy allocations bt retail electricity suppliers

IoT Instruction

BLGF instruction for itinerary for travel

PR Instruction

BLGF instruction for purchase request

RIS Instruction

BLGF instruction for requisition and issue slip

578 PEL Designated Representative Application Checklist

CAAP checklist for designated representative application