For Taxpayers Using Centralized Bookkeeping BIR Form 1905 at the RDO/LTAD I or II/LTDO where the head office is registered. The books of accounts shall be registered at the RDO/LTAD I or II/LTDO of the head office For Taxpayers ...
Taxpayer applicant submits duly accomplished BIR Form 1905 to RDO/LTAD I or II/LTDO where he is registered.
Taxpayer applicant shall notify the RDO/LTAD I or II/LTDO where he is registered of his intention to change his accounting period. Upon approval of his request, taxpayer applicant shall submit duly accomplished BIR Form 1905 to RDO/LTAD I or II/LTDO ...
Taxpayer applicant files BIR Form 1905, together with the attachments, at the RDO where he is registered
RDO where taxpayer is registered
Computerized RDOs (Within same RDC) Taxpayer submits form 1905 to new RDO. Taxpayer submits TCN to old RDO Computerized RDOs (Across RDC) Taxpayer submits Form 1905 to new RDO. Taxpayer submits TCN to old RDO. From Computerized To Non-Computerized RDO ...
Taxpayer applicant submits duly accomplished BIR Form 1905 to RDO/LTAD I or II/LTDO where he is registered.
Taxpayer applicant submits duly accomplished BIR Form 1905 to RDO/LTAD I or II/LTDO where he is registered.
Taxpayer applicant submits duly accomplished BIR Form 1905 to RDO/LTAD I or II/LTDO where he is registered.
Taxpayer applicant submits duly accomplished BIR Form 1905 to RDO/LTAD I or II/LTDO where he is registered.