DENR application form for agricultural, foreshore, reclaimed land or miscellaneous lease
NMIS application form for meat product registration
PVAO VFP activation registration form for 65 years old and above
This BIR form is to be filed by every domestic corporation classified as closely-held corporation except banks and other non-bank financial intermediaries, insurance companies, taxable partnerships, general professional partnerships, non- taxable joint ventures and enterprises duly registered with the Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA) under R.A. 7916, and enterprises registered pursuant to the Bases Conversion and Development Act of 1992 (R.A. 7227), and other similar laws, shall render a true and accurate tax return in accordance with the provision of the Tax code.
TIEZA application form for special working permit
SSS form used to define cooperative members
DTI discount application form for sales promotion
DOH accreditation form for drinking water laboratory
TIEZA form for certificate of Inward Remittance
PDEA form for end-user declaration