PDEA report form for waste material
This BIR return is filed by every withholding agent/payor who is either an individual, estate, trust, partnership, corporation, government agency and instrumentality, government-owned and controlled corporation, local government unit and other juridical entity required to deduct and withhold taxes on income payments subject to Expanded Withholding Taxes, or making income payments not subject to withholding tax but subject to income tax.
PEZA application form for registration as an ecozone export enterprise
PEZA application form for registration as an ecozone IT enterprise
BAR research and development format for monitoring - accomplishment report
PVAO report form for death
NHA consulting services statement form for technical competence
NHA survey work statement form on technical competence
PhilHealth report form for employee members
DAR acceptance report letter on failure to serve the notice of coverage or VOS to the LO and request for NOC publication