SHFC agreement for loan under accommodation mortgage
SHFC loan agreement for site development under usufruct
This BIR return is filed by every employer or withholding agent/payor who is either an individual, estate, trust, partnership, corporation, government agency and instrumentality, government-owned and controlled corporation, local government unit and other juridical entity required to deduct and withhold taxes on compensation paid to employees and on other income payments subject to Final Withholding Taxes.
SEC form of notification update
SEC information sheet for lending company head office
SEC application for registration of associated person/ compliance officer of investment house/underwriter of securities and government securities eligible dealers under SEC memorandum circular no. 8, series of 2004
SEC registration of a compliance officer of an investment company adviser/manager under SEC memorandum circular No. 8, series of 2004
SEC registration of a certified investment solicitor of an investment company adviser/manager under section 40 of the investment company act
SEC endorsement letter for the payment of annual fees application for capital market professionals
SEC list of applicants for capital market professionals annual fee payments