DENR application form to operate a wood processing
FDA technical specification for mobile radiographic x - ray machine
PhilFIDA application form for grading/balling establishment license
BAR application form for degree scholarship program
SEC registration form for broker dealer/government securities eligible dealer including branch office
AFAB application form for registration
SEC registration form for Transfer Agent
SSS form used to define individual SSS Contributions
This BIR return shall be filed by a Corporation, Partnership and Other Non-Individual Taxpayer EXEMPT under the Tax Code, as amended [Sec. 30 and those exempted in Sec. 27(C)] and other Special Laws WITH NO OTHER TAXABLE INCOME such as but not limited to foundations, cooperatives, charitable institutions, non-stock and non-profit educational institutions, General Professional Partnership (GPP) etc.
CAB application form for authority to operate as general sales agent non - scheduled domestic air carrier including air taxi operator