2104 Results for "Marlian 200-205.pdf":

1 Conduct of Preliminary Ocular Inspection of LHS for Coverage Under CARP

DAR CARPER LAD form to conduct preliminary ocular inspection of landholdings

1A Transmittal of Accomplished CARPER LAD Form/s No.1

DAR CARPER LAD transmittal of accomplished form to conduct pre-ocular inspection of landholdings for coverage under CARP

2 Certificate of Preliminary Projection

DAR CARPER LAD certificate of preliminary projection

3 Notice of Coverage


4 Landowner's Letter Reply to NOC

DAR CARPER LAD letter reply of landowner to NOC

5 Manifestation to Apply for Retention

DAR CARPER LAD manifestation to apply for retention for compulsory acquisition

6 Sketch Map of the Selected Retained Area

DAR CARPER LAD sketch map form for selected retained area

7 Landowner's Nomination of Child/ren as Preferred Beneficiaries

DAR CARPER LAD form for landowner's nomination of child/children as preferred beneficiaries

8 Landowner's Certification on Duly Attested List of Tenants, Lessees, and-or Regular Farm Workers

DAR CARPER LAD certification form for landowner on duly attested list of tenants, lessees, and/or regular farm workers

06302017-RET Application for Retirement

GSIS application form for retirement, separation/life insurance benefit under Under RA 660, RA 1616, PD 1146 and RA 8291