NHA form for financial document eligibility check
NHA documents for financial eligibility check
SHFC sample format for step one of CA board resolution of defaulting members
SHFC sample format for step two of CA board resolution of defaulting members with substitutes
Any person, natural or juridical, including estates and trusts, liable to pay any internal revenue tax covering taxable year ending December 31, 2004 and all prior years, who due to inadvertence or otherwise erroneously paid his/its internal revenue tax liabilities or failed to file tax returns/pay taxes, availing the EVAP pursuant to RR 18-2005, shall use this form.
This BIR return is filed by a natural or juridical person, resident or non-resident, who is not exempt under existing laws for the sale, barter, exchange or other onerous disposition intended to transfer ownership of shares of stocks in domestic corporation classified as capital assets, not traded through the local stock exchange.
This BIR return is filed by every natural or juridical person, resident or non-resident, who is not exempt under existing laws for sale, barter, exchange or other disposition of shares of stock in a domestic corporation, classified as capital assets, not traded through the local stock exchange.
This BIR form is to be filed by every domestic corporation classified as closely-held corporation except banks and other non-bank financial intermediaries, insurance companies, taxable partnerships, general professional partnerships, non- taxable joint ventures and enterprises duly registered with the Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA) under R.A. 7916, and enterprises registered pursuant to the Bases Conversion and Development Act of 1992 (R.A. 7227), and other similar laws, shall render a true and accurate tax return in accordance with the provision of the Tax code.
LTO request form for vanity license plates
SHFC agreement for collection