1. OW-1 must be submitted to the nearest SSS foreign representative office or to the International Affairs and Branch Expansion Office through the mail, e-mail or fax for OFWs based in countries without existing SSS offices.
2. DDR-2 for death, disability, ...
NMIS application form for the issuance of certificate of accreditation to MTV
BOC information sheet details for consolidated shipment of balikbayan boxes
SEC application form for registered partnership to have foreign equity for partnership under the foreign investment act of 1991 for foreign owned partnership
nearest SSS branch
DTI application form for accreditation of repair shop
A BIR Certificate to be accomplished and issued by a Payor to recipients of income not subject to withholding tax. This Certificate should be attached to the Annual Income Tax Return - BIR Form 1701 for individuals, or BIR Form 1702 for non-individuals.
SEC statement of FN sworn
FDA requirement checklist for amendments of LTO food establishment
CIAP PCAB checklist and forms for changing business name and status (updated as of 2017)