2319 Results for "SEC company contact information .pdf":

Electronics Permit

TIEZA application form for electronic permit

08-5 Application for Guano Permit

MGB quarry application form for guano permit

08-7 Application for Gemstone Gathering Permit

MGB quarry application form for gemstone gathering permit

Annex H-5 Hemodialysis clinic checklist

DOH checklist for review of floor plans for hemodialysis clinic

Project Evaluation Forms for PPP as of 06 April 2015

ICC evaluation forms for PPP


SSS form used for flexi - fund withdrawal claim

CF3 Patient's Clinical Record

PhilHealth form for patient's clinical record

0616 Amnesty Tax Payment Form Pursuant to Republic Act No. 9399

This form is to be accomplished by taxpayer who availed of the One-Time Amnesty on certain tax and duty liabilities, inclusive of fees, fines, penalties, interests and other additions thereto, incurred by certain business enterprises operating within the Special Economic Zones and Freeports pursuant to Republic Act No. 9399.

0217 Application for Contractor's Final Payment Release Certificate

This BIR form shall be accomplished/filed by all contractors before the release of final payment by the Department of Public Works and Highway (DPWH) in regards to contracts with the DPWH.

0901-C Application for Relief From Double Taxation on Capital Gains

BIR application form for relief from double taxation on capital gains