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Form Guide: Registration

Nearest SSS Office

1602 Monthly Remittance Return of Final Income Taxes Withheld (On Interest Paid on Deposits and Yield on Deposit Substitutes/Trusts/Etc.)

This BIR return is filed by all banks, non-bank financial intermediaries, finance corporations, investment and trust companies and similar institutions for final income tax withheld on interest paid/accrued on deposit and yield or any other monetary benefit from deposit substitutes and from trust fund and similar arrangements.


Under the "No Audit Program" (NAP), taxpayers who qualify under its terms and conditions shall be exempted from audit and/or investigation for the period for which they qualify. The NAP shall be in force for taxable years 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008. NAP eligible should accomplish a No Audit Program Pariticipation Form (BIR Form 2114) and Payment Form For No Audit Program (BIR Form 0605-101), if applicable, to be submitted together with all the required attachments within 30 days from the statutory deadline for the filing of Annual Income TAx Return for the year covered by the application subject to exception as may be prescribed in a regulation.

21 Application for Driver's License

LTO application form for driver's license

SSS P.E.S.O Fund Enrollment Program

SSS application form for P.E.S.O fund program

Governance and Management Audit Report

CDA template for cooperative standard report form

Model Articles of Cooperation - Union

CDA articles of cooperation for union

1800 Donor's Tax Return

This BIR return is filed by any person, natural or juridical, resident or non-resident, who transfers or causes to transfer property by gift, whether in trust or otherwise, whether the gift is direct or indirect and whether the preoperty is real or personal, tangible or intangible.

R-3 Contribution Collection List

SSS form used to define employee contributions

BMBR-119A Auto-Debit Arrangement Enrollment Form

SSS application form for Auto - Debit Arrangement