2319 Results for "SEC company contact information .pdf":

52B Posting on the Issuance of Notice of Land Valuation and Acquisition

DAR letter for posting on the issuance of notice of land valuation and acquisition

54 Order to Deposit Landowner Compensation

DAR form for order to deposit landowner compensation

58 Transmittal to LBP of Copy of RP Title

DAR LBP transmittal to copy RB title

59 Advice to DARAB/Adjudicator to Conduct Administrative Proceedings

DAR advice to conduct administrative proceedings

60 Directive to Take Actual and Physical Possession of the Landholding Acquired

DAR directive under CARP pursuant to R.A. 6657, as amended, and proceed with its distribution to qualified beneficiaries

61 Letter to Qualified Agrarian Reform Beneficiary

DAR letter to qualified ARB

62 Land Distribution Folder (LDF) Transmittal

DAR transmittal for LDF

63 Transmittal Memorandum to PARO II of the Signed and Sealed CLOAs

DAR transmittal memorandum to PAR II of the signed and sealed CLOA's

64 Transmittal Memorandum to ROD of CLOAs for Registration

DAR transmittal memorandum for registration

65 Transmittal Memorandum to LBP of Registered CLOA-Titles

DAR transmittal memorandum for registered CLOA-Titles