Philippine Bidding Documents for Procurement of Infrastructure Projects

DPWH documents for bidding

2200-T Excise Tax Return for Tobacco Products

This return shall be filed in triplicate by the following: 1. Manufacturer or producer of locally manufactured or produced tobacco products; 2. Wholesaler, manufacturer, producer, owner or operator of the redrying plant, as the case may be, with respect to the payment of inspection fee on leaf tobacco, scrap, cigars, cigarettes and other tobacco products; and 3. Owner or person having possession of tobacco products which were removed from the place of production without the payment of excise tax.

Checklist Requirements Variation CPR

FDA medical device registration checklist for the requirements for variation and revalidation of certificate of product registration of a medical device

Form Guide: New Motor Vehicle RegistrationFor Hire Vehicles

Land Transportation Office

Form Guide: New Motor Vehicle RegistrationFor Hire Vehicles

Land Transportation Office

Annex E Minimum requirements for Subordination Agreements and Miscellaneous Provisions

SEC annex under SRC rule 49.1 - 2

Annex G Formula for Determination of Reserve Requirements of Broker Dealers Under

SEC annex under SRC rule SRC rule 49.2-1

MSASF34 Assessment Checklist for ISO 50003 2014

PAB checklist for ISO 50003 2014

Model Request For Extension And Waiver For Motu Proprio Merger Review

PHCC letter request for extension and waver

MSASF32 Assessment Checklist for ISO IEC 27006 2015

PAB checklist for ISO IEC 27006 2015