Self-Assessment Tool Kit for Lot Release Certification

FDA assessment tool kit for lot release certification

64 Transmittal Memorandum to ROD of CLOAs for Registration

DAR transmittal memorandum for registration

Annex 2 Annex 2 - Checklist Of Requirements for Registration of Equipment Devices

FDA requirement checklist for registration of equipment devices used To treat sharps pathological and infectious wastes

Renewal of Regular Contractor's License (Corporation and Partnership)

CIAP PCA guide and application forms for the renewal of regular contractor's license for corporation and partnership (update as of 2018)

Questionnaire and Proposal for Constructors All Risks Insurance

GSIS questionnaire and proposal for constructors all risks insurance

Renewal of Regular Contractor's License (Sole Proprietorship)

CIAP checklist and application forms for renewal of regular contractors license for sole proprietor (updated as of 2018)

Foreign Special License Renewal

CIAP PCAB checklist and forms for renewal of foreign special license (updated as of 2017)

Form Guide: Annotation and Cancellation of MortgageWhen the Financing Company (Mortgagee) no longer exists and Release Mortgage Contract is missing

Land Transportation Office

2200-AN Excise Tax Return for Automobiles and Non-Essential Goods

This BIR return shall be filed in triplicate by the following: 1. Manufacturer, producer or assembler of locally manufactured/produced/assembled automobiles; 2. Manufacturer or producer of locally manufactured or produced non-essential goods such as jewelries, perfumes, toilet water, yachts and other vessels intended for pleasure or sports; 3. Buyer or transferee of automobile not previously taxed and subsequently sold or transferred by the tax-exempted seller; and 4. Owner or person having possession of the above articles which were removed from the place of production without the payment of excise tax.

42-SD Application for Registration as Clearing Agency, Securities Depository, Self Regulatory Organization and Amendments

SEC registration form for clearing agency, security depository and self regulatory organization