This BIR return is filed by all banks, non-bank financial intermediaries, finance corporations, investment and trust companies and similar institutions for final income tax withheld on interest paid/accrued on deposit and yield or any other monetary benefit from deposit substitutes and from trust fund and similar arrangements.
This BIR return is filed by every withholding agent/payor who is either an individual, estate, trust, partnership, corporation, government agency and instrumentality, government-owned and controlled corporation, local government unit and other juridical entity required to deduct and withhold taxes on income payments subject to Expanded Withholding Taxes, or making income payments not subject to withholding tax but subject to income tax.
CSC request form for insurance/resolution
CSC request for personnel records
Bureau of the Treasury additional sheets for sworn statement of assets, liabilities and net worth
Bureau of the Treasury request form for bonding/cancellation of bond of accountable officials and employees of the Republic of the Philippines
Bureau of the Treasury form for the list of bonded public officers for renewal
Bureau of the Treasury form for the list of bonded public officers for new applicants
FDA initial application form of LTO for RONPD
FDA technical specification for mobile radiographic x - ray machine