1702-AIF Account Information Form (AIF) For Corporations and Partnerships in General

A revised BIR form designed in line with the BIR Integrated Tax System (ITS) to be used as attachment to BIR Form No. 1702 and to be accomplished by corporations and partnerships which contains the taxpayer's business profile information and other relevant data to be lifted from the Audited Financial Statements.

Form Guide: Taxpayer Identification Number ONE TIME TAXPAYERS (With No Previously Issued TIN) 7. PAYOR OF ESTATE TAX Non - Resident ...

Revenue District Office having jurisdiction over the place where administrator is registered or in the absence of registration, in the place of residence of the administrator

544 Pilot Proficiency Check Form

CAAP Checklist for Pilot Proficiency

544 Form Pilot Proficiency Check Form

CAAP application form for pilot proficiency check

1945 Application for Certificate of Tax Exemption for Cooperatives

This BIR form is to be accomplished in three (3) copies and must be signed by the applicant who may either be the President or any responsible officer of the cooperative authorized to file this application for and in behalf of the cooperative. All fields must be mandatorily filled-out, if not applicable the words "NOT APPLICABLE" or "NONE" should be an appropriate response. To be submitted only to BIR District Office where the cooperative is registered together with all the necessary documents.

Form Guide: Issuance of Certificate of Registration/License To Sell

HLURB Building Kalayaan Avenue corner Mayaman St. Diliman QC 1101 Phils

Form Guide: Application for Certificate of Registration as Non-Life Company Underwriter

Licensing Division, Insurance Commission, UN Avenue, Manila

Form Guide: Application for Renewal of Certificate of Registration as Resident Agent

Licensing Division, Insurance Commission, UN Avenue, Manila

Form Guide: Application for Renewal of Certificate of Registration as Accredited Actuary

Licensing Division, Insurance Commission, UN Avenue, Manila

Joint Affidavit of Undertaking

FDA medical device registration affidavit for joint undertaking