2366 Results for "claim form 1 philhealth claim form 1":

Form Guide: Special Registration of Imported Motor Vehicles Imported Private Motor Vehicles

Land Transportation Office

Form Guide: Change ClassificationPrivate to For-Hire

Land Transportation Office

Form Guide: Cancellation of Mortgage or Other Liens and Encumbrances

Land Transportation Office

Form Guide: Annotation and Cancellation of MortgageMotor Vehicles with Restraint and Levy

Land Transportation Office

Form Guide: Annotation of Mortgage and Other Liens and Encumbrances

Land Transportation Office

Application Sheet for Accreditation

PDEA application form for accreditation

2200-P Excise Tax Return for Petroleum Products

This return shall be filed in triplicate by the following: 1. Manufacturer, or producer of locally manufactured, produced or refined petroleum products; 2. Any person engaged in blending, reprocessing, re-refining or recycling of previously taxed petroleum products; 3. Importer or purchaser who resells or uses kerosene as aviation fuel; 4. Any person using denatured alcohol for motive power; and 5. Owner or person having possession of petroleum products, which were removed, from the place of production without the payment of excise tax.

Form Guide: SSS Identification Card

Nearest SSS Office that has facilities for SS ID data capture

2200-T Excise Tax Return for Tobacco Products

This return shall be filed in triplicate by the following: 1. Manufacturer or producer of locally manufactured or produced tobacco products; 2. Wholesaler, manufacturer, producer, owner or operator of the redrying plant, as the case may be, with respect to the payment of inspection fee on leaf tobacco, scrap, cigars, cigarettes and other tobacco products; and 3. Owner or person having possession of tobacco products which were removed from the place of production without the payment of excise tax.

IPOPHL-SOP-BOT-02-F01 Request for Transformation of an International Registration into a National Application

Ipophil request form to transform international registration into national application