HLURB application form for advertisement approval
DAR acceptance letter for report of failure to serve NOC or VOS due to LO's residence is outside the province where the LH is located
DAR LBP transmittal to copy RB title
COA affidavit for anti-graft and corrupt practices under R.A 3019
COA affidavit for anti-graft and corruption practices for survivorship
BAR institutional development grant format for accomplishment report
FDA logistic management service checklist for household urban pesticides requirements for automatic renewal
DTI BPS form for audit report
Any person, natural or juridical, including estates and trusts, with duly issued assessment notice, preliminary or final, disputed/protested administratively or judicially, as of November 29, 2007, covering the taxable year ending December 31, 2005 and prior years, availing the Abatement Program under Revenue Regulations No. 15-2007 shall use this form.
This return shall be filed in triplicate by the following: 1. Manufacturer or producer of locally manufactured or produced tobacco products; 2. Wholesaler, manufacturer, producer, owner or operator of the redrying plant, as the case may be, with respect to the payment of inspection fee on leaf tobacco, scrap, cigars, cigarettes and other tobacco products; and 3. Owner or person having possession of tobacco products which were removed from the place of production without the payment of excise tax.