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Progress Report

PNP sample format for progression report

Spot Report

PNP sample format for spot report

0611-A Payment Form Covered by a Letter Notice

This BIR form shall be used by any person, natural or juridical, including estates and trusts, who are issued Letter Notices generated through the following third-party information (TPI)data matching programs- 1. Reconciliation of Listings for Enforcement (RELIEF)/Bureau of Customs (BOC) Data Program; and 2. Tax Reconciliation Systems (TRS).

617 Tax Amnesty Payment Form (Acceptance of Payment Form) For Taxable Year 2005 and Prior Years Pursuant to Republic Act No. 9480

This form shall be filed in quadruplicate by Individuals, whether resident or nonresident citizens, or resident or nonresident aliens, Estates, Trusts, Corporations, Cooperatives and tax exempt entities that have become taxable as of December 31, 2005 and other juridical entities including partnerships liable to pay any internal revenue taxes covering the taxable year ending December 31, 2005 and prior years, availing the Tax Amnesty under R.A. No. 9480.

SALN Summary List of Filers Form

CSC SALN form for summary list


CSC sworn statement of asset, liabilities and net worth

Undertaking of Requesting Party Form

CSC SALN request form for undertaking party

Checklist for Merchant Partner Renewal

PRA renewal requirement checklist for merchant partner

Ballistics Examination

PNP sample request form for ballistic examination

Blood Examination

PNP sample format for blood examination

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