759 Results for "helix it":

Form Guide: Guide to Employment in Korea for Foreign Workers

36-TA Application for Registration as Transfer Agent and Amendment Thereto

SEC registration form for Transfer Agent

08-02 Industrial Sand and Gravel Permit - MGB

MGB permit form for industrial sand and gravel

08-2A Industrial Sand and Gravel Permit - PMRB

MGB permit form for industrial sand and gravel

08-4A Commercial Sand and Gravel Permit

MGB permit for commercial sand and gravel quarry

08-4B Exclusive Sand and Gravel/Government/Private Gratuitous Permit

MGB quarry permit for exclusive sand and gravel, government, private gratious

08-4 Quarry Permit

MGB permit for quarry

11-1 Mineral Processing Permit

MGB permit form for mineral processing

1606 Withholding Tax Remittance Return (For Transactions Involving Real Property other than Capital Asset including Taxable and Exempt)

This BIR return is filed by every Withholding Agent/ Buyer on the sale, transfer or exchange of real property classified as ordinary asset.

2113 Enhanced Voluntary Assessment Program - Application Form

Any person, natural or juridical, including estates and trusts, liable to pay any internal revenue tax covering taxable year ending December 31, 2004 and all prior years, who due to inadvertence or otherwise erroneously paid his/its internal revenue tax liabilities or failed to file tax returns/pay taxes, availing the EVAP pursuant to RR 18-2005, shall use this form.