2509 Results for "hlurb form no. 1257 application for advertisement approval":

Questionner for Relative Adoption Applicants

ICAB applicant questionner for relative adoption

Primary Registration for Domestic Partnership

SEC Articles of Partnership

Petition for Re-acquisition/Retention of Philippine Citizenship

BI form for petition for re-acquisition/retention of Philippine citizenship under R.A. 9225

Eligibility Requirements Guidelines for Consulting Services

NHA eligibility requirements guidelines for consulting services

Form Guide: Remit of Employees' or Household Helper's Monthly Contributions

SSS-accredited bank or to the Cashiering Department at the SSS Head Office at East Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City

Wildlife Re-export Certification (WREC)

DENR application form for non - cities WREC

VFP Registration for Activation (65 years old and above)

PVAO VFP activation registration form for 65 years old and above

Registration and Classification for Government Infrastructure Projects (ARCC)

CIAP PCAP checklist and forms for registration and classification of Government infrastructure projects (ARCC)

2200-S Excise Tax Return for Sweetened Beverages

This return shall be filed in triplicate by the following: 1. Manufacturer or producer of locally manufactured or produced sweetened beverages; and 2. Owner or person having possession of sweetened beverages which were removed from the place of production without the payment of excise tax.

BWC-ISD-T-9B Manufacturer's Data Report for All Types of Boilers

BWC report form for manufacturer's all types of boilers