PNP legal form for arresting officer affidavit
FPA application form for dealership
FPA application form for license to repack fertilizer
CIAP PCAB checklist and forms for changing authorized managing officer (updated as of 2018)
SSS application loan form for House repair or Improvement
SSS form used for EC medical reimbursement
Pag - Ibig letter of intent for non - performing assets resolution program
DTI application form for accreditation of repair shop
HLURB application form for coop loan
A BIR Certificate to be accomplished and issued to each employee receiving salaries, wages and other forms or remuneration by each employer indicating therein the total amount paid and the taxes withheld therefrom during the calendar year.This Certificate in turn should be attached to the Annual Income Tax Return (BIR Form 1700 - for individuals receiving purely compensation income, or BIR Form 1701 for individuals with mixed income).