2337 Results for "letter of undertaking sample":


PDEA form for S-registers

2113 Enhanced Voluntary Assessment Program - Application Form

Any person, natural or juridical, including estates and trusts, liable to pay any internal revenue tax covering taxable year ending December 31, 2004 and all prior years, who due to inadvertence or otherwise erroneously paid his/its internal revenue tax liabilities or failed to file tax returns/pay taxes, availing the EVAP pursuant to RR 18-2005, shall use this form.

ATS Form 1 Alternative Trading System Registration Form

SEC registration form for ATS operator

42-SRO Application for Registration as Clearing Agency/Securities Depository as an SRO

SEC registration form for clearing agency/securities depository

42-CA Application for Registration as Clearing Agency

SEC registration form for clearing agency

42-SD Application for Registration as Clearing Agency, Securities Depository, Self Regulatory Organization and Amendments

SEC registration form for clearing agency, security depository and self regulatory organization

Application for ITH Extension

AFAB application form for income tax holiday extention

0613 Payment Form - Under Tax Compliance Verification Drive/Tax Mapping

This BIR form shall be used in paying penalties assessed under the Tax Compliance Verification Drive/Tax Mapping.

1903 Application for Registration for Corporations/ Partnerships (Taxable/Non-Taxable)

This BIR form is to be accomplished by Corporations, Government Owned or controlled corporations, Partnerships, Government Agencies and Instrumentalities, (GAI's) and Local Government Units (LGU's). To be filed with the RDO having jurisdiction over the principal place of business or branch/regional office.

1904 Application for Registration for One-Time Taxpayer and Persons Registering under E.O. 98 (Securing a TIN to be able to transact with any Government Office)

This BIR form is to be accomplished by one-time taxpayer and persons registering and applying for a TIN (E.O. 98). To be filed with the RDO having jurisdiction over the place where property is located for one time taxpayer; or place of residence for applicants under E.O. 98.