For Taxpayers Using Centralized Bookkeeping BIR Form 1903 at the RDO/LTAD/LTDO where the head office is registered. The books of accounts shall be registered at the RDO/LTAD I OR II/LTDO of the head office For Taxpayers Using Decentralized Bookkeeping ...
For Taxpayers Using Centralized Bookkeeping BIR Form 1905 at the RDO/LTAD I or II/LTDO where the head office is registered. The books of accounts shall be registered at the RDO/LTAD I or II/LTDO of the head office For Taxpayers ...
For Taxpayers Using Centralized Bookkeeping BIR Form 1901 at the RDO where the head office is registered; and Manual books of accounts at the RDO where the head office is registered for Stamping and registration purposes. For Taxpayers Using Decentralized ...
RDO having jurisdiction over the place of residence of the applicant.
Land Transportation Office
Land Transportation Office
Land Transportation Office
DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND INDUSTRY 385 Industry and Investments Bldg., Sen. Gil Puyat Ave., Makati City, Philippines 1200