2337 Results for "letter of undertaking sample":

Application for Certificate of Registration of a Trust for Charitable Uses

IC certificate application form for registration of trust for charitable use

Application for Renewal of Certificate of Registration as Non-Life Company Underwriter

IC renewal application form for certificate of registration as non-life company underwriter

1 Conduct of Preliminary Ocular Inspection of LHS for Coverage Under CARP

DAR CARPER LAD form to conduct preliminary ocular inspection of landholdings

Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Networth (SALN) As of December 31, 2005

The Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Networth (SALN) shall contain a true and complete declaration of assets, liabilities and networth as of December 31, 2005. This form shall be filed in duplicate by Individuals, whether resident or nonresident citizens, or resident or nonresident aliens, Estates, Trusts, Corporations, Cooperatives and tax exempt entities that have become taxable as of December 31, 2005 and other juridical entities including partnerships liable to pay any internal taxes covering the taxable year ending December 31, 2005 and prior years, availing the Tax Amnesty under R.A. No. 9480. The Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Networth (SALN) shall contain a true and complete declaration of assets, liabilities and networth as of December 31, 2005. This form shall be filed in duplicate by Individuals, whether resident or nonresident citizens, or resident or nonresident aliens, Estates, Trusts, Corporations, Cooperatives and tax exempt entities that have become taxable as of December 31, 2005 and other juridical entities including partnerships liable to pay any internal taxes covering the taxable year ending December 31, 2005 and prior years, availing the Tax Amnesty under R.A. No. 9480.


This form shall be accomplished in duplicate by Individuals, whether resident or nonresident citizens, or resident or nonresident aliens, Estates, Trusts, Corporations, Cooperatives and tax exempt entities that have become taxable as of December 31, 2005 and other juridical entities including partnerships liable to pay any internal taxes covering the taxable year ending December 31, 2005 and prior years, availing the Tax Amnesty under R.A. No. 9480.

CB-LEP/ELP-09252017 Designation of Additional/Change of Beneficiary/ies for LEP Policy Holders

GSIS form for designation of additional LEP and ELP

06242017-ASLH Affidavit of Surviving Heirs/Surviving Spouse/Guardian of Minor or Dependent Child/ren

GSIS survivorship affidavit form for heirs, surviving spouse, guardian of minor,or surviving children

10 Directive to MARO to Proceed with Coverage of Agricultural Lands with Notice of Coverage

DAR Directive to proceed with coverage of agricultural lands with NOC

52A Publication on the Issuance of Notice of Land Valuation and Acquisition

DAR publication on the issuance of notice and land valuation acquisition

52A Publication on the Issuance of Notice of Land Valuation and Acquisition

DAR publication on the issuance of notice and land valuation acquisition