2337 Results for "letter of undertaking sample":

Requirements for Product Registration

NMIS list of requirements for product registration

Form Guide: Application for Renewal of License as Insurance Agent

Licensing Division, Insurance Commission, UN Avenue, Manila

Form Guide: Contribution Payment of any Voluntary or Self-Employed SSS member

SSS-accredited bank or to the Cashiering Department at the SSS Head Office at East Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City

Form Guide: Report of Employees' Social Security and Employee's Compensation contribution

Nearest SSS Office

Form Guide: Change of License Classification from Non-Professional to Professional

Land Transportation Office

Form Guide: Change of License Classification from Professional to Non-Professional

Land Transportation Office

Form Guide: Professional License

Land Transportation Office

5 Information for the Conduct of Investigation Pursuant to the Safeguard Measure Act

TC form for information for the conduct of investigation pursuant to the safeguard measure act RA 8800


1707 Capital Gains Tax Return for Onerous Transfer of Shares of Stocks Not Traded Through the Local Stock Exchange

This BIR return is filed by a natural or juridical person, resident or non-resident, who is not exempt under existing laws for the sale, barter, exchange or other onerous disposition intended to transfer ownership of shares of stocks in domestic corporation classified as capital assets, not traded through the local stock exchange.