2337 Results for "letter of undertaking sample":

BOI Endorsement Application for Establishment of RHQ-ROHQ

BOI endorsement application form for RHQ/ROHQ establishment

64 Transmittal Memorandum to ROD of CLOAs for Registration

DAR transmittal memorandum for registration

65 Transmittal Memorandum to LBP of Registered CLOA-Titles

DAR transmittal memorandum for registered CLOA-Titles

66 Monthly Report of CLOA Distributed to Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries (ARBs)

DAR monthly report of distributed CLOA to ARBs

67 Report on ARB's Failure to Take Possession of Awarded Land

DAR report form that the ARBs are unable to take possession of their awarded land

06 Affidavit of Compliance with Cross Ownership and Market Share Restrictions

ERC affidavit of compliance with cross ownership and market share restrictions for COC independent power producer/DU owned power plant

CMD-CapAlloc-01 Affidavit of Capacity and Energy Allocation by DU

ERC affidavit of capacity and energy allocation by Distribution Utility

CMD-CapAlloc-02 Affidavit of Capacity and Energy Allocations by RES

ERC affidavit of capacity and energy allocations bt retail electricity suppliers

Petition for Re-acquisition/Retention of Philippine Citizenship

BI form for petition for re-acquisition/retention of Philippine citizenship under R.A. 9225

CCS-A-CDR-2016 Request for Certified True Copy of Derogatory Records

BI request for certified true copy of derogatory records