MGB report form for commercial sand and gravel and employment data
MBG quarterly report form for small scale metallic mines
MGB quarterly report for small scale metallic primary gold
MGB report for mineral resources/reserve inventory
This BIR return is filed by all banks, non-bank financial intermediaries, finance corporations, investment and trust companies and similar institutions for final income tax withheld on interest paid/accrued on deposit and yield or any other monetary benefit from deposit substitutes and from trust fund and similar arrangements.
This BIR form is to be accomplished by an old or new employee whether resident citizen or non-resident citizens earning purely compensation income. To be filed with the RDO having jurisdiction over the taxpayer's residence or place of employment.
This BIR form is to be accomplished by Corporations, Government Owned or controlled corporations, Partnerships, Government Agencies and Instrumentalities, (GAI's) and Local Government Units (LGU's). To be filed with the RDO having jurisdiction over the principal place of business or branch/regional office.
Pag - Ibig letter of intent for non - performing assets resolution program
A BIR Certificate to be accomplished and issued in case of increase or decreases in exemption, change of status, change in the person of employer, change in the type of employment, acquiring employment after having registered as engaged in business or exercise of profession, change in the working status of the spouse, execution of the "waiver to claim the Additional Exemption" by the husband, or revocation of the previously executed "waiver to claim the Additional Exemption" by the husband.
OWWA evaluation form for congressional migrant workers scholarship program