750 Results for "my heart doesn":

B301 EC Medical Reimbursement Benefit Application

SSS form used for EC medical reimbursement

08-1A Application for Industrial Sand and Gravel Permit (ISAG) - MGB

MGB application form for industrial sand and gravel permit

08-3 Application for Industrial Sand and Gravel Permit - PMRB

MGB application form for industrial sand and gravel permit

PMRF PhilHealth Member Registration Form

PhilHealth registration form for membersip

0901-T Application For Relief From Double Taxation on Shipping and Air Transport

BIR application form for relieg from double taxation on shipping and air transport

1945 Application for Certificate of Tax Exemption for Cooperatives

This BIR form is to be accomplished in three (3) copies and must be signed by the applicant who may either be the President or any responsible officer of the cooperative authorized to file this application for and in behalf of the cooperative. All fields must be mandatorily filled-out, if not applicable the words "NOT APPLICABLE" or "NONE" should be an appropriate response. To be submitted only to BIR District Office where the cooperative is registered together with all the necessary documents.


Under the "No Audit Program" (NAP), taxpayers who qualify under its terms and conditions shall be exempted from audit and/or investigation for the period for which they qualify. The NAP shall be in force for taxable years 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008. NAP eligible should accomplish a No Audit Program Pariticipation Form (BIR Form 2114) and Payment Form For No Audit Program (BIR Form 0605-101), if applicable, to be submitted together with all the required attachments within 30 days from the statutory deadline for the filing of Annual Income TAx Return for the year covered by the application subject to exception as may be prescribed in a regulation.

1703 Annual Income Information Return for Non-Resident Citizens / OCWs and Seamen (for foreign-sourced income)

This BIR information return is filed in triplicate by Non-resident citizens and Overseas Contract Workers (OCWs), including qualified Filipino seamen, on income derived from sources abroad. An individual citizen of the Philippines who is working and deriving income from abroad as an overseas worker is taxable only on income from sources within the Philippines. Income from sources within the Philippines should be filed in either Form 1700 or Form 1701.

Application for Non-Medical X-ray Facility

DOH checklist and application form for license to operate a non - medical x- ray facility

Application for Accreditation of Repair Shop

DTI application form for accreditation of repair shop