DOH checklist for review of floor plans of non - residential drug abuse treatment and rehabilitation center for outpatients
DOH checklist for review of floor plans of residential drug abuse treatment and rehabilitation center for inpatients
DOH geographic form for health facility of drug testing laboratory (include in the submission of initial application)
DOH geographic form for health facility of HIV testing laboratory (include in the submission of initial application)
DOH geographic form for health facility of drinking water laboratory (include in the submission of initial application)
FDA medical device registration checklist for the requirements of certificate of free sale for medical device products
This BIR return shall be filed in triplicate by the following: Persons whose gross annual sales and/or receipt do not exceed P1,500,000 and who are not VAT-registered persons; Domestic carriers and keepers of garages, except owners of bancas and owners of animal-drawn two wheeled vehicle; Operators of international air and shipping carriers doing business in the Philippines; Franchise grantees of gas or water utilities; Franchise grantees of radio and/or television broadcasting companies whose gross annual receipts of the preceding year do not exceed Ten Million Pesos (P10,000,000.00) and did opt to register as VAT taxpayers; Banks, non-bank financial intermediaries and finance companies; Life insurance companies;and Agent of foreign insurance companies.
SEC Articles of Incorporation, By - Laws and Treasurer's Affidavit for Domestic Non-Stock Corporation
AFAB guidelines for the admission of duty free and tax exempt motor vehicles
CIAP PCAB checklist and forms for special license consortium (updated as of 2017)