Philippine Government Forms All in One Location
Checklist of Requirements
BWC requirements checklist for mechanical installation and fabrication
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Checklist of Requirements in the Application for Mechanical Installation/s and Mechanical
Fabrication/s of Industrial Facilities effective March 01, 2017
Mechanical Equipment: Pressure Vessel, Boiler, Internal Combustion Engine, Elevator,
Manlift/dumbwaiter, Steam/Hydro Turbine, Power Piping Lines, Crane & Hoist. etc.
1. Covering / Transmittal Letter with contact name and tel./cell phone number
2. One (1) set of application form & drawing for each unit of mechanical equipment plus two set of CD
containing the application and plans in PDF.
3. All plans and application forms are to be signed and sealed by a professional mechanical engineer
(PME), while in the CD, stamp of PME in lieu of dry seal maybe incorporated.
4. All plans and application forms are to be signed by the owner/manager or his/her authorized
5. Indicate the company TIN in the application forms;
6. Photocopy of the current PRC ID & PTR of the PME;
7. Certificate of appearance of the PME
In the event that the said PME has not yet obtained a certificate of appearance, he is required to
appear personally at the Bureau or at the DOLE Regional Office so that the corresponding certificate of
appearance, duly signed by the Bureau Director, the Regional Director or the Asst. Regional Director
whichever is applicable will be issued;
8. The following shall be incorporated in the plans/drawings (A3 size is acceptable if legible)
a. Location plan;
b. Room layout;
c. Installation drawings of equipment showing plan, section/elevations.
d. Foundation design calculation;
e. Detailed foundation construction drawings; and
f. Equipment specifications.
(1) Mechanical plans that require foundation design calculation with safety factor of 5 as minimum.
a. Installation of Pressure Vessels;
b. Installation of Boilers & Steam Turbine;
c. Installation of Internal Combustion Engine (as per Phil. Mechanical Code specifically for Diesel
(2) All applications for installation within the area of jurisdiction of the following chartered cities shall be
submitted directly to the Building Official of the concerned Local Government Unit (LGU) in Manila,
Quezon City, Pasig City, Batangas City, Iloilo City, Bacolod City, Cebu City, Mandaue City and Davao
(3) As per Labor Advisory no. 11 s 2016, establishment owners shall submit application & plans to DOLE
Regional Office which has jurisdiction over the workplace for review/evaluation before endorsing to the
nearest R.O. with PME.
(4) Assigning of application numbers by PME or assigned evaluator shall be coordinated with BWC to
avoid possible duplications thru email at
[email protected]