9-B LPI End of Volunteer Assignment Report

PNVSCA end report form for volunteer assignment

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Republic of the Philippines
National Economic & Development Authority

Philippine National Volunteer
Service Coordinating Agency
G/F, Phil. Sugar Center Bldg., North Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City
Telephone No: (02)927-6847 Telefax: (02)4534726

(To be submitted by Local Partner Institution one
month before the end of volunteer assignment)

Email Address: [email protected];
[email protected]

1. Name and Address of Local Partner Institution:

2. Email Address: ______________________________________________________________________
3. Name of Volunteer/Volunteer Service Organization:

4. Name and Location of Program/Project Assisted by Volunteer:

5. Inclusive dates of service of volunteer: From


6. Summary of Volunteer’s Accomplishments (Please refer to the Work and Financial Plan as your Terms
of Reference in accomplishing this portion).
Volunteer Activities

(Use additional sheet if necessary.)

Outputs (Qualitative & Quantitative Description)

7. Please rate the overall contribution of volunteer assistance to your program/project:
Very Satisfactory
Please explain your answer:

8. What specific skills, knowledge or technologies that your agency/organization learned from the

9. What socio-cultural changes have you noted as a result of your hosting and working with the volunteer?
8.1 Changes on the local partner institution:

8.2 Changes on the volunteer:

8.3 Changes on the project beneficiaries:

10. What particular lessons can you draw from your experience in hosting and working with the volunteer?

11. What are your recommendations to PNVSCA regarding the implementation of the volunteer program?

Prepared by:

Attested by:

Name & Signature of Volunteer’s Supervisor
Date: _______________________

Head of Agency/Institution
Date: ___________________________