Request for Certification from the Civil Registrar

What this is For:

Application for:

1. Death Certificate

2. Marriage Certificate

3. Certification of Adoption

4. Certification of Legitimation

5. Certification of Dissolution of Marriage

6. Certificate of No Marriage

Information Required in the Application


1. Complete name of the deceased person

2. Date of death

3. Place of death

4. Complete name and address of the requesting party

5. Number of copies needed

6. For what purpose the certification shall be used


1. Complete name of the husband

2. Complete name of the wife

3. Date of marriage

4. Place of marriage

5. Complete name and address of the requesting party

6. Number of copies needed

7. Purpose for the certification


Information about the child prior to adoption:

1. Complete name of the child

2. Complete name of the father

3. Complete maiden name of the mother

4. Date of birth

5. Place of birth

Information after adoption:

1. Amended name of the child

2. Complete name of the adopting father, his occupation, religion and age at the time of adoption

3. Complete name of the adopting mother, her occupation, religion, and age at the time of adoption

4. Date when adoption decree was issued

5. Date when adoption decree became final and executory

6. Name of the court and the judge that issued the decree

7. Complete name and address of the requesting party

8. Number of copies needed

9. Purpose for the certification


"Section 15. Confidential Nature of Proceedings and Records. All hearings in adoption cases shall be confidential and shall not be open to the public. All records, books, and papers relating to the adoption cases in the files of the court, the Department (of Social Welfare and Development), or any other agency or institution participating in the adoption proceedings shall be kept strictly confidential.

If the court finds that the disclosure of the information to a third person is necessary for purposes connected with or arising out of the adoption and will be for the best interest of the adoptee, the court may merit the necessary information to be released, restricting the purposes for which it may be used."


1. Complete name of the child

2. Complete name of the father

3. Complete name of the mother

4. Date of birth

5. Place of birth

6. Date of marriage of parents

7. Place of marriage of parents

8. Date when the affidavit of legitimation was executed

9. Date when the affidavit of legitimation was registered

10. Complete name and address of the requesting party

11. Number of copies needed

12. Purpose for the certification

Dissolution of Marriage

1. Complete name of the husband

2. Complete maiden name of the wife

3. Date of marriage

4. Place of marriage

5. Name of the court and the judge that issued the decree dissolving the marriage or declaring marriage void

6. Address of the court

7. Date when the decision was issued

8. Date when the decision became final and executory

9. Date when the decision was recorded in the civil register

10. Complete name and address of the requesting party

11. Purpose for the certification

No Record of Marriage

1. Complete name of the person

2. Complete name of the father

3. Complete maiden name of the mother

4. Date of birth

5. Place of birth

6. Complete name and address of the requesting party

7. Number or copies needed

8. Purpose for the certification


For certifications other than those described in this page, please specify the nature or contents of the certification.

Where to File:

In Person:

Applications made in person or by a representative will be received at the East Avenue office located at:

National Statistics Office

East Avenue (in front of SSS)

Quezon City

Documents* applied at the East Avenue office will be released at the EDSA office located at:

National Statistics Office

EDSA corner Times St.

West Triangle, Quezon City 1104

Vicinity map for the application and releasing areas:

*NOTE: Results of authentication requests are issued at the East Avenue office.

By Postal Service System

Please address all communications to:

The Civil Registrar General

National Statistics Office

P.O. Box 779, Manila


You may request for your documents through: NSO Helpline : (63) 2 7371111

Online Application

Visit the e-Census website at

NOTE: If the request is done through conventional postal service system or through e-mail, the certification shall be sent to the requesting party through conventional postal service system.

How to File:

Application may be filed:

1.) in person

2.) by postal service system

3.) through the NSO hotline

4.) through the internet (


Payment Details

o Refer to the posted fees for the payment details of applications received at the East Avenue Office. The amount is to be paid to the collecting officers.

o The fee for applications received from the post and whose results will be delivered via postal mail to any part of the Philippines is PhP 50.00 per copy. The amount is to be remitted by means of check or postal money order payable to the NATIONAL STATISTICS OFFICE.

o Refer to for the payment details of documents requested through the e-Census and to be delivered to a local address.

o All requests for documents that will be delivered to an address outside of the Philippines, whether applied through the postal service or the e-Census, are charged US$15 per copy. The total amount for the request should be remitted by means of telegraphic transfer. The amount already covers the mailing charges.

Refer to for specific the fee per request. For more information, send mail to: [email protected].

Processing Period

o Processing period normally takes about 14 working days.

o Requests made through conventional postal service system are processed upon the receipt of payment. Since delivery of the document(s) is by conventional mail, the documents may reach the recipient several days after the processing period.

o For the requests made on-line through the e-census, refer to for the delivery details.

o However, for the Certificate of No Marriage Record, the minimum processing period is approximately 20 working days counted from the date of receipt of the application. The period could be longer if the surname of the subject person is common such as Aquino, Ferrer, Cruz, De Guzman, and others.


Request for:- Issuance of Certified Copies of Birth, Marriage or eath documents - Authentication of Birth, Marriage or Death documents filed at Serbilis Centers nationwide Source document is Converted* - P125Source document is Unconverted and requested w/in Metro Manila - P60 Source document is Unconverted and requested outside Metro Manila - P70

Request for certification from ABROAD by POSTAL MAIL $20

On-line request received from e-Census Refer to

Certifications based on court decrees/legal instruments Locally requested Request from abroad P110$20

Registration of Solemnizing Officers First/Initial Registration Renewal of Registration Additional copy of certificate of registration or Request for verification P375P150 P75

Accreditation of Travel Agencies P250

Issuance of ID to Travel Agency liaison P100

Reconstruction of documents P2

*Source documents are in electronic formatNote:P - Philippine Peso$ - US Dollar

Other Documentary Requirements:

Legitimation by Subsequent Marriage

1. Secure the following documents from the City/Municipal Civil Registrars Office (C/MCR) where the birth of the child was recorded:

a. Affidavit of paternity/acknowledge-ment (Certified Photocopy/Xerox Copy)

b. Joint affidavit of legitimation

c. Certification of registration of legal instrument

d. Certified true copy of birth certificate with remarks/annotation based on the legitimation by subsequent marriage.

2. Verify the original birth certificate at the National Statistics Office (NSO). If negative result, secure it from C/MCR Office where the child was originally registered. (Certified Photocopy).

3. Verify the marriage contract of parents at NSO. If negative result, secure it from C/MCR Office where the marriage was solemnized. (certified true copy)


1. Register court decree of adoption at the City/Municipal Civil Registrars (C/MCR) Office where the Court is functioning. Secure certified true copy of the adoption decree.

2. Secure certification of registration of the decree from the C/MCR Office stated in no. 1.

3. Secure certification of finality from the court which rendered the decision.

4. Secure certified true copy of the Amended Birth Certificate from the C/MCR Office where birth is registered.

5. Verify the original birth certificate from NSO file. If NSO does not have the copy of the birth certificate, the original birth certificate must be endorsed (officially transmitted) to NSO by the C/MCR where birth is registered.

6. Fill up application form for amended birth certificate.

Annulment of Marriage

1. Register court decree of annulment in the City/Municipal Civil Registrars (C/MCR) Office where the court is functioning. Secure certified true copy of the court decree from same office.

2. Secure certification of registration of the court decree from C/MCR Office stated in no. 1.

3. Secure certification of finality from the court which rendered the decree.

4. Secure certified true copy of the marriage contract from C/MCR Office where marriage is registered with remarks/annotations based on the Court Decree of Annulment.

5. Verify the marriage contract from NSO file. If NSO has no file, your marriage contract has to be endorsed (officially transmitted) to NSO by the C/MCR Office where marriage was registered.