253 Results for "0":

1707 Capital Gains Tax Return for Onerous Transfer of Shares of Stocks Not Traded Through the Local Stock Exchange

This BIR return is filed by a natural or juridical person, resident or non-resident, who is not exempt under existing laws for the sale, barter, exchange or other onerous disposition intended to transfer ownership of shares of stocks in domestic corporation classified as capital assets, not traded through the local stock exchange.

1707-A Annual Capital Gains Tax Return for Onerous Transfer of Shares of Stock Not Traded Through the Local Stock Exchange

This BIR return is filed by every natural or juridical person, resident or non-resident, who is not exempt under existing laws for sale, barter, exchange or other disposition of shares of stock in a domestic corporation, classified as capital assets, not traded through the local stock exchange.

ISO-aligned ICC Project Evaluation Forms 1-7

NEDA evaluation forms for ICC project

CON-01181 Contribution Payment Form

SSS form used to define individual SSS Contributions

Application for Registration as Accredited Actuary

IC registration application form for accredited actuary

Petition for Inclusion of Dependent(s)

BI form for petition for inclusion of dependent(s) for dual citizenship

ECC Application Form

BI application form for emigration clearance certificate

Authorization Letter

FDA letter of authorization

Authority to Operate as General Sales Agent Cargo of Domestic Airlines

CAB application form for authority to operate as general sales agent cargo of domestic airlines for for domestic/foreign operations

Authority to Operate as General Sales Agent Non-Scheduled Domestic Air Carrier

CAB application form for authority to operate as general sales agent non - scheduled domestic air carrier including air taxi operator