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Form Guide: Cash Dividend Declaration

BIR Form No. 2304 Certificate of Income Payment Not Subject to Withholding Tax (Excluding Compensation Income)

A BIR Certificate to be accomplished and issued by a Payor to recipients of income not subject to withholding tax. This Certificate should be attached to the Annual Income Tax Return - BIR Form 1701 for individuals, or BIR Form 1702 for non-individuals.

BIR Form No. 2305 Certificate of Update of Exemption and of Employer's and Employee's Information

A BIR Certificate to be accomplished and issued in case of increase or decreases in exemption, change of status, change in the person of employer, change in the type of employment, acquiring employment after having registered as engaged in business or exercise of profession, change in the working status of the spouse, execution of the "waiver to claim the Additional Exemption" by the husband, or revocation of the previously executed "waiver to claim the Additional Exemption" by the husband.

Form Guide: Certification of Paid-up Capital/Capital Structure

Form Guide: Certification of Percentage of Ownership

PMID - 03 Certified Pesticide Applicators

FPA pesticide application form for pesticide applicators

Change of Authorized Managing Officer

CIAP PCAB checklist and forms for changing authorized managing officer (updated as of 2018)

Change of Business Name

CIAP PCAB Checklist and forms for changing business name (updated as of 2017)

Change of Business Name and Status

CIAP PCAB checklist and forms for changing business name and status (updated as of 2017)

Commodity Registration Form

PPA registration form for commodity

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