253 Results for "l":

18-3 Investigation Report on claims for Compensation of Damages

MGB report for investigating on claims for compensation of damages

29-17 Annual Report of Small Scale Mining Permittee

MGB report form for small scale mining

2113 Enhanced Voluntary Assessment Program - Application Form

Any person, natural or juridical, including estates and trusts, liable to pay any internal revenue tax covering taxable year ending December 31, 2004 and all prior years, who due to inadvertence or otherwise erroneously paid his/its internal revenue tax liabilities or failed to file tax returns/pay taxes, availing the EVAP pursuant to RR 18-2005, shall use this form.

TEV Guidelines

AFAB guidelines for the admission of duty free and tax exempt motor vehicles

Cooperative Accreditation Form

SSS application form for Cooperative Accreditation

1602 Monthly Remittance Return of Final Income Taxes Withheld (On Interest Paid on Deposits and Yield on Deposit Substitutes/Trusts/Etc.)

This BIR return is filed by all banks, non-bank financial intermediaries, finance corporations, investment and trust companies and similar institutions for final income tax withheld on interest paid/accrued on deposit and yield or any other monetary benefit from deposit substitutes and from trust fund and similar arrangements.

617 Tax Amnesty Payment Form (Acceptance of Payment Form) For Taxable Year 2005 and Prior Years Pursuant to Republic Act No. 9480

This form shall be filed in quadruplicate by Individuals, whether resident or nonresident citizens, or resident or nonresident aliens, Estates, Trusts, Corporations, Cooperatives and tax exempt entities that have become taxable as of December 31, 2005 and other juridical entities including partnerships liable to pay any internal revenue taxes covering the taxable year ending December 31, 2005 and prior years, availing the Tax Amnesty under R.A. No. 9480.

618 Abatement Program Payment Form(Pursuant to RR No. 15-2007)

Any person, natural or juridical, including estates and trusts, with duly issued assessment notice, preliminary or final, disputed/protested administratively or judicially, as of November 29, 2007, covering the taxable year ending December 31, 2005 and prior years, availing the Abatement Program under Revenue Regulations No. 15-2007 shall use this form.

Application Form

GSIS application form for scholarship program 2018

Insular Government Property Sales Application

DENR application form for land management services