CPAR Guidelines Brochure for LGUs

BAR research and development guidelines for LGU

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Items Eligible for Funding

Community-based Participatory Action Research or CPAR is a locationspecific research cum extension that deals with improved farming systems
technologies for specific micro agro-climatic environment within
province/municipality. It is a downstream research focused on technology
verification, adaptation, demonstration and dissemination in the
community. It involves extension and transfer of technologies needed on
the community. Its main responsibility is to convert information into
knowledge for action. Its role in managing innovative management of
knowledge will be instituted.


Support for the following budget items may be included as BAR counterpart:
1. training for component technologies (resource person fees,meals);
2. training in organization development and resource management;
3. inputs for conduct of on-farm research (e.g. seeds, fertilizer,etc.);
4. technical assistance (may include experts consultation, TEV of expert,
5. coordination cost (not to exceed 10% of the budget); and
6. other expenses as may be justified in the project activities
**Salaries, honoraria, management cost, equipment, and capital outlay are
not eligible for BAR support

The CPAR Grant aims to:
1. Enhance the role of RD&E through technology transfer to
improve production management system as business;
2. Develop strategies for effective integration of support services for
enterprise & agribusiness development; and,
3. Institutionalize active community participation in the overall
management of farm & coastal resources for enterprise and
agribusiness development.

Strategies of Implementation

Who may Submit Proposals?
Provincial and municipal local government units are encouraged to
submit proposals.

Once the project is approved, the CPAR team with the participation of the
community shall organize its project management team which, will
implement and monitor project activities to ensure the accomplishment of
cycle specific activities. It shall facilitate project implementation and
The Project Management Team
The team shall be composed of CPAR focal persons from the LGU,

DA-RFU and farmer/fisherfolk group.
The roles and responsibilities of individual partners and/or institutions

(Provincial and municipal LGUs, DA-RFUs/RIARCs/RFRDCs,
Farmer/Fisherfolk Cooperators, DA-ATI, SCUs, DA-BAR, Farmer
Organization/Cooperative) shall be defined, specified and delineated to
ensure sustainability of project management.
Performance and financial accountability at all levels shall be

Site Selection
To maximize the impact of the project, site pre-selection is recommended
based on a set of criteria. This is to ensure that the necessary support
systems are in place and that partner institutions are committed to support the
project. The following should be considered in selecting a project site:

1. The CPAR may be implemented by the LGUs in partnership with the DA
RFUs/BFAR ROs (RIARCs/RFRDCs), ATI and organized
agriculture/fisheries group (e.g. cooperatives, Farmers Associations,
NGOs, etc.);
2. The project must cover at least two barangays. (To facilitate monitoring,
a common technology should be identified for the area “one project one technology”);
3. The proponent must be willing to provide counterpart funds;
4. The NGO partners must be willing to provide resources (in cash or

Organization and Management

1. The target site should cover at least two adjacent and ecologically
homogenous barangays;
2. The farming system in the target site should be representative of the
existing agricultural system in the province;
3. The farmers and fisherfolks are organized into a cooperative,
association or group and that the organization is currently active;
4. The site should be accessible to ordinary modes of transportation;
5. The site should have access to electricity and should be within the
coverage of an existing cell phone carrier; and
6. The site should have a stable security situation.
Conduct of PRA
The Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) is implemented to ensure that the
project addresses the existing needs of the community and identify the
resources of the areas that can be mobilized to serve the needs of the project
Action Planning
During the PRA, a community plan shall be formulated by the community.

General Roles and Responsibilities of P/MLGUs
For projects implemented by the P/MLGUs, the following shall be their
? counterpart funds and logistic support to the project;
? field level management of the project in cooperation with

RIARCs/RFRDCs, SCUs, ATI and other institutions involved in the
? the monitoring and evaluation activities;
Lead in
? the required data and information which shall form part of
BAR's CPAR M&E System embodied in the “e-pinoy farms program”.
? project reports (Accomplishment Reports and Financial
Reports) and submit them regularly to BAR for monitoring purposes;
Document and track problems, issues and constraints relevant to
project implementation; and
? the results of project evaluation to the local community (with
farmers, DA RFUs/BFAR ROs, LGU officials and other collaborating
partners of the project) for dissemination and development.

Preparation and approval of proposals
Preparation of proposals
The P/MLGUs will lead the preparation of the proposals following and using
the prescribed guidelines and format. The conduct of a PRA prior to
submission of a CPAR proposal is a must.

ISO 9001:2000

To assist the conduct of this activity, the proponent may request a small
grant from BAR for the conduct of the PRA by submitting a PRA
PRA Proposal/Design. After the site identification, the proponent will
prepare an Activity Design and Proposal for the conduct of the
Participatory Resource Appraisal (PRA) Process.
CPAR Detailed Proposal. As a result of the PRA and CPAR Action
Planning done in partnership with RIARCs/RFRDCs, farmer-fisherfolk
and other partner agencies, the full CPAR project proposal
incorporating the various interventions and RD&E projects to be
implemented in the site shall be submitted to BAR. Cycle or stage
specific activities should be operationalized.
Screening & Endorsement of Proposals
The proposal shall be prepared by the Provincial/Municipal Agriculturist
based on the outputs of the PRA conducted in the proposed project sites for
submission to the RIARC/RFRDC. The proposal will then be validated
through the RRDEN and recommended for approval by the Provincial
Governor/Municipal Mayor shall endorse the proposal to DA-BAR.
Approval by BAR
Final approval of the CPAR project proposal shall be based on the
guidelines set in the Comprehensive Research Grant Manual and proposal's
relevance to the existing needs and priorities of the area and DA thrusts and
Once approved, BAR shall execute a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)
with the P/MLGU to effect the release of funds to the lead implementer.
A Notice to Proceed and an initial release equivalent covering the first year
of implementation shall be provided by BAR to signal official start of project
Subsequent releases shall be subject to submission of acceptable reports
(accomplishment and financial) and satisfactory implementation of project
activities. To evaluate performance and accomplishments the following shall
be done by BAR:
? evaluation of project reports and outputs;
?monitoring; and
? of complete project documentation requirements.

ISO 9001:2000

Department of Agriculture

RDMIC Building, Visayas Avenue,
cor. Elliptical Road, Diliman, Quezon City
Phone : (02) 928-8505;928-8624
Fax : (02) 920-0219; 927-5691
Email : [email protected]

Guidelines for
Availing CPAR Grants for
the Local Government Units